Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Third quarter music recap

In this third quarter of 2006, I have cast the spotlight on some really good music. I’d like to recap the entries for you.

I’ve featured albums from five decades - from the Sixties through the Ohs. Beatles classics to solo favourites. Folk, progressive rock, pure pop. My tastes are diverse – even if I often come back to my very favourite artists.

The song spotlight has shown the same kind of range: prog rock gems, bright 80s pop, a folk masterpiece, songs by favourite artists that have a special place in my heart and brain.

Other than doing a Beatles album the last week of the month, I don’t usually have a great plan to my choices- though you may have noticed that all the highlighted albums and songs in July were by Canadian artists. In August I focused on my top rock heroes.

Here’s the list for you.

Album Spotlight

Song Spotlight

So what’s up for Q4? Wait and see!