Tuesday, January 01, 2008

404 - bye bye

Perhaps it's fitting that this is post # 404, since 404 is the "not found" error message you get when a web file is not there.

That's because I am shutting down Brain Capacity for good. After 400 posts in 2005 and 2006, I went on hiatus to do other stuff, with just three posts added in 2007. Now, here it is, the first day of 2008, and I'm turning out the lights.

I'll leave the entries on blogspot.com for awhile. My thousands of readers would deserve that much, at least. But despite the tearful, and I should say moving, requests, demands and entreaties to begin posting again, I must politely decline. I'm too busy with other stuff - completing three doctorates, planning a major round-the-world trip, writing two screenplays and a novel, helping guide world peace talks etc.

Ha ha. No. I just have other stuff to do. I'm sure you will find other much more important and worthwhile stuff to read in the blogosphere.
