Expo 67 was cool!

And grand they were - from the geodesic dome of the US Pavilion to Canada's Katimavik inverted pyramid, from the seemingly origami-inspired Ontario Pavilion to the replica Buddhist shrine of the Thailand Pavilion, the exhibits on those human-made islands were anything but plain and ordinary.
The theme of Expo was Man And His World / Terre Des Hommes. [Sexist terms were pretty much standard back then.] Sub-themes were Man the Explorer, Man the Producer, Man in the Community and Man the Provider. There was the cool Habitat housing development and the Mini Rail train system.
I recently watched a neat DVD called Expo 67: Back to the Future, part of CBC's Canadian Experience series. There are some interesting reminiscences of people who were there. It's available from the CBC Shop.
A couple of cool web sites can help you relive - or learn about for the first time, perhaps - the experience of Expo. Expo 67 - Montreal World's Fair features some articles and maps. Even more comprehensive is Expo 67 in Montreal - A photo collection about Canada's Centennial Celebration! It's full of photos of exhibits, memorabilia and other stuff. There are also some audio files.
Some of the audio stuff includes:
- CA-NA-DA - the anthem by Bobby Gimby (in English and French)
- A Place To Stand - a presentation about the Ontario Pavilion
- The Sounds of Expo 67
- Hey Friend, Say Friend / Un Jour, Un Jour (the official Expo song, in English and French)
- links to items from the CBC Archives
The memorabilia section is very extensive, featuring such items as:
- Alcan Dolphin Show Ticket
- Auto Parking Ticket Receipt
- Autostade ticket for Rodeo show
- Blue + Red Expo Shooters
- Blue and White Sadler Mug
- Boy Scout Patch
- Canadian Pacific Airlines Travel Bag
- Canadian Pavilion Medallion
- Centennial Mug
- Centennial Pin
- Ceramic Tile
- Expo 67 Coin Letter Opener
- Expo 67 Edukit Booklet
- Expo 67 Pencil
- Expo 67 pin-back button
- Expo Charm
- Expo Drinking Glass
- Expo Glass Dishes
- Expo Medallions
- Expo Passport
- Expo Pennant
- Expo Postcard
- Expo Scarf
- Expo Stamps
- Expo Tote Bag
- Fire King Mug
- First Day Issue: USA Postcard
- First-day cover issue: Canada Centennial 1867-1967
- First-day cover issue: France
- First-day cover issue: United Nations
- Fisher Pocket Lighter
- Hostess Brooch Pin
- Laterna Magika tickets
- Match Cover Collection
- Multiple view serving tray
- Ontario Medallion
- Rendez-Vous Expo Medallion
- Royal Darwood Cup + Saucer
- Sadler Mug
- Shallow Triangular Bowl
- Super 8 Films on Expo
- The Official Commemorative Medallion
- Ticket stub for teenage quiz show: "Reach For The Top"
- USA Lighter
- USA Tray
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